Why Not a Sit-Down?

One of the main tenets of the Scrum project management methodology is the daily “stand-up.” It’s meant to be a short daily meeting to “huddle the team”. You stand up to keep the meeting short. It usually doesn’t happen that way. Especially when everyone is remote.

Today, it will be 526 days since I’ve seen my work office. It’s not really an office. It’s a desk in the middle of a large open room with a bunch of other desks. Somehow it’s supposed to make me more productive (more on this another time).

Most of us do our stand-up sitting down because we’re working from home (except for the occasional standing desk coworker).

I think we should change the name of the meeting from a “stand-up” to a “sit-down”. I’ve seriously thought of standing up during the stand-up. My coworkers would get this view:


It’s probably futile. My coworkers will ask me to sit down (or turn off my camera) and we’ll still attend a daily “stand-up.”