Jerry Seinfeld

The Seinfeld Method – Tiny Habits

It’s a new year. I really want to crank out content for Folk Data Project. Why do I keep procrastinating?

I’ve decided to try a combination of the Seinfeld Method and Tiny Habits.

The Seinfeld Method

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is arguably one of the most successful comedians of all time. What’s amazing is that he CONSISTENTLY cranks out new material. How does he do it?

He takes a calendar and crosses out each day that he creates something. It’s simple. It’s visual. It works. (Check out the James Clear blog post at How To Stop Procrastinating.)

I’m going to try to do the same in 2022. I’ve got my calendar on my corkboard above my desk. One page with the whole year. I’m crossing out each day that I write something for either or

Tiny Habits

BJ Fogg is a behaviorist that invented “Tiny Habits”, a way to develop habits by making them super small. (Check out Tiny Habits – he’s also got a book that is superb.)

For example, he suggests starting the habit of flossing by flossing just one tooth a day. That’s it. Just one tooth.

I’m going to write one crappy sentence. I can write more if I want. Just one sentence every day. It doesn’t have to be a good sentence. Just one sentence.

It also needs an anchor – something to trigger me to do it. I’m going to write my one sentence first thing in the morning when I sit down in my chair in my office.

So, let’s see how it goes. So far, I’ve written a couple of new posts over at Folk Data Project, and I’ve written this post. It’s not a lot, but I’m working on consistency, not quantity.

Photo by slgckgc on Wikipedia